
Consultations, Group work & workshops

Yvette Miley does not diagnose or treat any specific health issues or medical conditions. The techniques listed on this website are not a substitute for professional health care. Yvette Miley is serving solely as a qualified practitioner and facilitator of the techniques outlined on this website and not a medical provider. Whilst there have been no documented negative side effects resulting from these techniques when the proper protocols have been followed, this does not mean that you will not experience side effects. By engaging in consultation and or workshop using these techniques, you agree to take full responsibility for your own well-being.

Readings (Psychic, Numerology & Tarot Cards)

By engaging in a reading, you agree to take full responsibility for your own well-being and you have a full understanding that your reading will compose of psychic, numerology, and tarot cards. Furthermore, you agree to never hold Yvette Miley or A Natural Change liable for any psychic reading, as you understand readings are for entertainment purposes only. Any reading or message given is to be the sole responsibility of the recipient. Prior to payment you also agree that there are no recordings of psychic readings of any kind.